We are excited to have you join us today as we jump into the final installment of The Lord of the Rings film series and emphasize the major differences between Part 2 of the extended edition of The Return of the King in comparison to the corresponding scenes found in its novel counterpart. Please note that the changing of character perspectives as seen on screen does not evenly line up with the sequence of events in the novel in a chronological order.


Follow along while we highlight the key differences found between the movie and the books such as; Frodo's entry into Shelob's Lair, the death of Denethor, the assistance of the dead army, the last council before marching on the Black Gate, and the aftermath of the Second Great War.


With Chase and Josh discussing the irregularities, highlighting problems affecting plot lines, providing evidence through passages found in the novel, and presenting Part 2 of the film with a numeric grade, don't miss out.


"Well, good luck on your road, and good luck to your homecoming!" said Mr. Butterbur. "Should have warned you before that all's not well in the Shire neither, if what we hear is true. Funny goings on, they say. But one thing drives out another, and I was full of my own troubles. But if I may be so bold, you've come back changed from your travels, and you look now like folk as can deal with troubles out of hand. I don't doubt you'll soon set all to rights. Good luck to you! And the oftener you come back the better I'll be pleased."