Christine Ford cannot prove her accusation. Our system of justice demands that she does. Our system of justice requires that we challenge accusers, and they must prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” their charges. I love how women want to be treated differently by the justice system.  Just believe us, we don't want to prove it.  Perhaps they can not prove their accusations, but they can malign anyone they want.  This puts your husbands, sons and fathers at risk every day.  There is not a separate form of justice for women. Even if they want to call it #MeToo. We have one form of justice in this nation.

As Christine Ford cannot prove her accusations, under the United States justice system, Brett Kavanaugh is innocent. He is innocent until proven guilty.  Not until accused by a liberal professor with everything to gain.  Thus Brett Kavanaugh should be treated as he is innocent. No one can “partially penalize Brett Kavanaugh” by denying his appointment without demonstrating their absolute contempt for the American system of justice. Which is nothing new for progressives. They hate traditional America.  They hate traditional Americans.  And they have the will to do what is required to gain and keep power.

Is she lying? Who knows? Christine Ford is using a recovered memory, which is normally very difficult to prove.  The event happened nearly 40 years ago.   There is no corroboration.  She can't remember when it happened, where it happened, and who was there. Everyone she claims was there said they do not even remember this party.  Actually they have refuted Christine Ford claims.

Christine Ford admits that Brett did not rape her, did not actually get any of her clothes off.  Did not sexually touch her physically.  Christine Ford description could literally be any boy trying to make out with a girl.  Do you want this type of over criminalization of 15 year old interactions?

Her charges seem really out of the character for Brett Kavanaugh.  The man has had hundreds or thousands of women and additional men who say he is an honorable man.  You see criminals usually repeat their behavior. Most criminals do not get caught on the first crime. Thus you would expect bad behavior throughout Brett Kavanaugh life.   

Not one progressive can prove Christine Ford is not lying. I can tell you this. People do lie. There are major, significant reasons liberal women like Christine Ford would lie. Christine Ford, and other progressives do not want Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Also, watch Christine Ford become the new “face” of the #MeToo witch hunt. She will personally gain in her infamy.

I can also tell you this. I told Republicans in Alabama if you allow liberals to malign Roy Moore the progressives would continue to use this tactic of the 21st century Salem Witch Trials. She’s a witch! Prove you are not.
He is a Rapist, see if he floats!
Specifically I said in the blog post A minority conservative thought on Judge Roy Moore – Salem & the Reign of Terror "If you let them do to Judge Roy Moore what they did to Clearance Thomas, they will just do it every time. The establishment Republicans are an embarrassment. They show how far they have sunk into The Swamp. They do not stand for principles when it is uncomfortable. Will Judge Roy Moore survive this? I do not know, it doesn’t look good."

The new witch trials are called the “#MeToo movement. The progressives will attempt to derail anyone they do not like by using unprovable accusations. He is a rapist! Prove you are not.  My point is, this is not the first time the left has created a Reign of Terror where accusations determine guilt. [Bard Note: h/t to Anna Barnhart for turning me on to this Reign of Terror movie]


Liberals and progressives are fighting a New Civil War. It is a 4th Generation warfare,