Preparations in top gear for NHL opening season

How will the opening go to the second seasons under Covid-19 restrictions?

Guest - Brian Burke - Former GM Van. Canuck, Toronto Maple leafs, Anaheim Ducks; former president of hockey operations for the Calgary Flames; and an Ice Hockey analyst; who also just authored a new book: “Burkes Law: A Life in Hockey

FBI warns of threats of more violent protest across the U.S. A Canadian tactical officer weighs in on the rule of engagement in such situations.

A wider discussion on policing. 

Guest - Bryce Casavant - Former member of the Canadian military police reserves; and formerly a special provincial constable with the province of BC. Experienced tactical officer

Canadian/American Land Border to Remain Closed For Another Month

Lasting effects of the ongoing closure of the land border.

Guest - Len Saunders - Are we seeing an increase in the number of Americans wanting to move to Canada amid the U.S. political turmoil?

New Year resolution check up: are you still on course? Could it be better to focus on intentions rather than resolutions?

Are you sticking to your resolutions? 

Guest - Alyssa Bauman - Holistic Nutritionist

Cabinet shuffle amid talks of a possible snap election

And a discussion on further lockdown measures in Ontario and nationwide. 

Guest - Keith Baldrey - Global TV Political Journalist and CKNW Commentator 

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:

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Preparations in top gear for NHL opening season

How will the opening go to the second seasons under Covid-19 restrictions?

Guest - Brian Burke - Former GM Van. Canuck, Toronto Maple leafs, Anaheim Ducks; former president of hockey operations for the Calgary Flames; and an Ice Hockey analyst; who also just authored a new book: “Burkes Law: A Life in Hockey

FBI warns of threats of more violent protest across the U.S. A Canadian tactical officer weighs in on the rule of engagement in such situations.

A wider discussion on policing. 

Guest - Bryce Casavant - Former member of the Canadian military police reserves; and formerly a special provincial constable with the province of BC. Experienced tactical officer

Canadian/American Land Border to Remain Closed For Another Month

Lasting effects of the ongoing closure of the land border.

Guest - Len Saunders - Are we seeing an increase in the number of Americans wanting to move to Canada amid the U.S. political turmoil?

New Year resolution check up: are you still on course? Could it be better to focus on intentions rather than resolutions?

Are you sticking to your resolutions? 

Guest - Alyssa Bauman - Holistic Nutritionist

Cabinet shuffle amid talks of a possible snap election

And a discussion on further lockdown measures in Ontario and nationwide. 

Guest - Keith Baldrey - Global TV Political Journalist and CKNW Commentator 

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:

See for privacy information.