Canadian Common Sense - Governments need to govern

Charles discusses statements made by Alberta Premier Jason Kenney on disciplining any UCP MLA found breaking COVID protocols 

Healthcare experts calling for essential workers to be prioritized for COVID vaccines

A discussion on how we can ensure our essential workers get vaccinated 

Guest - Dr. Annales Coakley -Medical Lead of the Mosaic Refugee Health Clinic. Working with organizations like the Calgary Catholic Immigration Society; and the Alberta International Medical Graduates Association; helping to translate forms and navigate language and cultural barriers

Why you are having weird dreams during the pandemic?

A discussion on dreaming during the COVID-19 pandemic

Guest - Dr. Deirdre Barrett - Associate professor Harvard Medical School; and author of a new book ‘Pandemic Dreams’. The book is based on thousands of dream submissions

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:

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Canadian Common Sense - Governments need to govern

Charles discusses statements made by Alberta Premier Jason Kenney on disciplining any UCP MLA found breaking COVID protocols 

Healthcare experts calling for essential workers to be prioritized for COVID vaccines

A discussion on how we can ensure our essential workers get vaccinated 

Guest - Dr. Annales Coakley -Medical Lead of the Mosaic Refugee Health Clinic. Working with organizations like the Calgary Catholic Immigration Society; and the Alberta International Medical Graduates Association; helping to translate forms and navigate language and cultural barriers

Why you are having weird dreams during the pandemic?

A discussion on dreaming during the COVID-19 pandemic

Guest - Dr. Deirdre Barrett - Associate professor Harvard Medical School; and author of a new book ‘Pandemic Dreams’. The book is based on thousands of dream submissions

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:

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