Canadian Common Sense - The dignity of human beings

A discussion on how we are living during covid 

What is up with the bungled messaging around vaccines - proper messaging can save lives.

Another important discussion on the mixed messaging on which COVID vaccine is the best, from the NACI 

Guest - Laura Babcock - Owner, POWERGROUP Communications

How to combat social media misinformation

A discussion on how to navigate social media to ensure you're getting the correct information 

Guest - Jesse Miller - Founder, Mediated Reality

The challenges long term care homes have faced during the Covid pandemic

What the federal government is doing to combat the challenges seniors have faced during the pandemic 

Guest - Deb Schulte - Canada's Minister of Seniors 

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more: 


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Canadian Common Sense - The dignity of human beings

A discussion on how we are living during covid 

What is up with the bungled messaging around vaccines - proper messaging can save lives.

Another important discussion on the mixed messaging on which COVID vaccine is the best, from the NACI 

Guest - Laura Babcock - Owner, POWERGROUP Communications

How to combat social media misinformation

A discussion on how to navigate social media to ensure you're getting the correct information 

Guest - Jesse Miller - Founder, Mediated Reality

The challenges long term care homes have faced during the Covid pandemic

What the federal government is doing to combat the challenges seniors have faced during the pandemic 

Guest - Deb Schulte - Canada's Minister of Seniors 

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:


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