Canadian Common Sense – Why No Alarm?

The decision not to use the emergency response system on Saturday night while an active shooter was driving around the countryside of Nova Scotia may have cost innocent lives. Updates were provided via Twitter, but not everyone uses the platform.

Human rights activists around the world are uniting and saying China must be held accountable for covering up information on the novel coronavirus

Evidence is growing that points to just how much the Chinese government knew about the novel coronavirus, and that they engaged in gagging and detaining medical officials or any people who spoke out about the threat the virus posed.

Guest: Prof. Irwin Cotler, Former MP for Mount Royal; former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and Chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights

Would one reopening policy work for all corners of America? That’s the question that many people are asking as the U.S. plans to reopen the economy amid the continued spread of covid-19

Infection rates and mortalities look very different across the United States but the government wants to implement a single policy for re-opening the country.

Guest: Lee Habeeb, Newsweek Columnist; VP Content at Salem Media Group; and Host of ‘Our American Stories’

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Canadian Common Sense – Why No Alarm?

The decision not to use the emergency response system on Saturday night while an active shooter was driving around the countryside of Nova Scotia may have cost innocent lives. Updates were provided via Twitter, but not everyone uses the platform.

Human rights activists around the world are uniting and saying China must be held accountable for covering up information on the novel coronavirus

Evidence is growing that points to just how much the Chinese government knew about the novel coronavirus, and that they engaged in gagging and detaining medical officials or any people who spoke out about the threat the virus posed.

Guest: Prof. Irwin Cotler, Former MP for Mount Royal; former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and Chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights

Would one reopening policy work for all corners of America? That’s the question that many people are asking as the U.S. plans to reopen the economy amid the continued spread of covid-19

Infection rates and mortalities look very different across the United States but the government wants to implement a single policy for re-opening the country.

Guest: Lee Habeeb, Newsweek Columnist; VP Content at Salem Media Group; and Host of ‘Our American Stories’

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more: