Bodies discovered at former Kamloops residential school site -- Where does Canada go from here?

Following the devastating discovery of more than 200 children’s bodies at a former residential school site in Kamloops, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, in a press conference earlier today, called for an emergency debate in the house of commons -- and for the federal government to search the sites of other former residential schools across Canada.

Guest - Jagmeet Singh - Federal NDP Leader 

‘Incredibly stressful:’ Why renting isn’t always a solution for those who can’t buy

it may be a good time to sell your home right now, but for those looking to buy… or rent, the market is not so forgiving. In Hamilton, Ontario, Jessie Golem has had a really tough time nailing down a long-term rental, with landlords charging sky-high prices, she says the market is making it tough for many people. 

Guest - Jessie Golem - A 32-year old photographer and piano teacher in Hamilton, Ontario

What Canada will look like for vaccinated and unvaccinated people in the future?

As vaccines continue to roll out across our country, could we see new rules and laws implemented that would separate the vaccinated from the unvaccinated? Kenneth Christie, the Program Head and a Professor in the Human Security and Peacebuilding graduate programs at Royal Roads university joins us now with his thoughts on the matter. 

Guest - Kenneth Christie - The Program Head and a Professor in the Human Security and Peacebuilding graduate programs, he’s also a political scientist, author, editor and international academic 

‘What a blessing’: Regina MLA helps pull woman, cat from Wascana Creek

A regular stroll took a scary turn for Regina resident Hilary Pradinuk, when her cat backpack, with her pet Felix inside, tumbled into the water  on the Wascana Creek near Kiwanis Park Saturday. She was yelling for help and luckily for her, our next guest was close by to help save the day. MLA for Regina Rosemont, Trent Wotherspoon joins us now with details on how he rushed to the rescue!  

Guest: Trent Wotherspoon -  MLA for Regina Rosemont

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Bodies discovered at former Kamloops residential school site -- Where does Canada go from here?

Following the devastating discovery of more than 200 children’s bodies at a former residential school site in Kamloops, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, in a press conference earlier today, called for an emergency debate in the house of commons -- and for the federal government to search the sites of other former residential schools across Canada.

Guest - Jagmeet Singh - Federal NDP Leader 

‘Incredibly stressful:’ Why renting isn’t always a solution for those who can’t buy

it may be a good time to sell your home right now, but for those looking to buy… or rent, the market is not so forgiving. In Hamilton, Ontario, Jessie Golem has had a really tough time nailing down a long-term rental, with landlords charging sky-high prices, she says the market is making it tough for many people. 

Guest - Jessie Golem - A 32-year old photographer and piano teacher in Hamilton, Ontario

What Canada will look like for vaccinated and unvaccinated people in the future?

As vaccines continue to roll out across our country, could we see new rules and laws implemented that would separate the vaccinated from the unvaccinated? Kenneth Christie, the Program Head and a Professor in the Human Security and Peacebuilding graduate programs at Royal Roads university joins us now with his thoughts on the matter. 

Guest - Kenneth Christie - The Program Head and a Professor in the Human Security and Peacebuilding graduate programs, he’s also a political scientist, author, editor and international academic 

‘What a blessing’: Regina MLA helps pull woman, cat from Wascana Creek

A regular stroll took a scary turn for Regina resident Hilary Pradinuk, when her cat backpack, with her pet Felix inside, tumbled into the water  on the Wascana Creek near Kiwanis Park Saturday. She was yelling for help and luckily for her, our next guest was close by to help save the day. MLA for Regina Rosemont, Trent Wotherspoon joins us now with details on how he rushed to the rescue!  

Guest: Trent Wotherspoon -  MLA for Regina Rosemont

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:

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