Canadian Common Sense – I Love Complaints

Charles responds to some listener mail he received.

Families of seniors in LTC lamenting the poor state of the facilities

Ken’s mother still lives in a Canadian long-term care facility, he joins Charles to discuss the living conditions and his mother’s daily life.

Guest: Ken, Ken’s mum still lives at a Long-term care facility

NDP ready to support ‘getting rid of for-profit long-term care homes’

Jagmeet Singh, leader of the federal NDP, joins Charles to discuss Jagmeet’s calls to end for-profit long-term care homes.

Guest: Jagmeet Singh, Federal NDP leader

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:​

Canadian Common Sense – I Love Complaints

Charles responds to some listener mail he received.

Families of seniors in LTC lamenting the poor state of the facilities

Ken’s mother still lives in a Canadian long-term care facility, he joins Charles to discuss the living conditions and his mother’s daily life.

Guest: Ken, Ken’s mum still lives at a Long-term care facility

NDP ready to support ‘getting rid of for-profit long-term care homes’

Jagmeet Singh, leader of the federal NDP, joins Charles to discuss Jagmeet’s calls to end for-profit long-term care homes.

Guest: Jagmeet Singh, Federal NDP leader

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more: