Canadian Common Sense - Kids and phones at the dinner table. 

Should kids access to devices be limited during family time?

Does having kids make you happier?

A wider discussion on being a parent. 

Guest - Julie Romanowski - Mother, Coach, Leader, Educator, Author, Speaker & founder of Miss Behaviour: parenting coach & consultant services

Continuing the conversation on the Rogers-Shaw merger

What will the merger mean for the Canadian consumer?

Guest - Robin Shaban - Public policy and economic researcher, Author of Editorial in the Globe and Mail

A new poll suggests just over half of Canadians believe the British monarchy is outdated and that Canada should abandon it

The poll comes following Prince Harry and Meghan's interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Guest - Saad Salam - Founder and Editor of The Royal Watcher

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:

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Canadian Common Sense - Kids and phones at the dinner table. 

Should kids access to devices be limited during family time?

Does having kids make you happier?

A wider discussion on being a parent. 

Guest - Julie Romanowski - Mother, Coach, Leader, Educator, Author, Speaker & founder of Miss Behaviour: parenting coach & consultant services

Continuing the conversation on the Rogers-Shaw merger

What will the merger mean for the Canadian consumer?

Guest - Robin Shaban - Public policy and economic researcher, Author of Editorial in the Globe and Mail

A new poll suggests just over half of Canadians believe the British monarchy is outdated and that Canada should abandon it

The poll comes following Prince Harry and Meghan's interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Guest - Saad Salam - Founder and Editor of The Royal Watcher

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:

See for privacy information.