Canadian Common Sense: Remembering Carl Reiner

Charles’ take on Carl Reiner’s death.

Was Canada hoodwinked by the U.S. in Meng Wanzhou’s case?

Many say Canada has been been strong armed by China but have they also been strong armed by the United States?

Guest - Sandy Garossino - Writer; former trial lawyer; and columnist National Observer. 

Air Canada is discontinuing thirty routes.

How will the travel industry bounce back? What can be done?

Guest - Claire Newell - Global News Travel Expert and CKNW Contributor

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:​



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Canadian Common Sense: Remembering Carl Reiner

Charles’ take on Carl Reiner’s death.

Was Canada hoodwinked by the U.S. in Meng Wanzhou’s case?

Many say Canada has been been strong armed by China but have they also been strong armed by the United States?

Guest - Sandy Garossino - Writer; former trial lawyer; and columnist National Observer. 

Air Canada is discontinuing thirty routes.

How will the travel industry bounce back? What can be done?

Guest - Claire Newell - Global News Travel Expert and CKNW Contributor

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:



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