Canadian Common Sense: Who in your life does not get enough acknowledgement?

Who's essential to you? 

Inflation is coming. Which means everything is about to get more expensive. Can we prevent it?

Is inflation preventable in this economy? 

Guest - Tristin Hopper - Columnist, the National Post

Vaccine rollout across Canada

A discussion on the current rollout of COVID vaccinations across Canada, plus a chat on carbon tax. 

Guest - Warren Kinsella - Political commentator; author, and lawyer;

Cancer is up next for mRNA technology

A discussion on mRNA technology being used to fight against cancer

Guest: Jason Tetro - Host of Super Awesome Science Show and infectious disease expert

OPINION PIECE: “When Kenney’s done with the threat of ‘Bigfoot Family,’ he should get to Sesame Street”

A discussion on Alberta Premier Jason Kenny's decision to fight back against a netflix animated film 

Guest: Lori Williams - Associate professor of Economics, Justice and Policy Studies at Mount Royal University

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:

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Canadian Common Sense: Who in your life does not get enough acknowledgement?

Who's essential to you? 

Inflation is coming. Which means everything is about to get more expensive. Can we prevent it?

Is inflation preventable in this economy? 

Guest - Tristin Hopper - Columnist, the National Post

Vaccine rollout across Canada

A discussion on the current rollout of COVID vaccinations across Canada, plus a chat on carbon tax. 

Guest - Warren Kinsella - Political commentator; author, and lawyer;

Cancer is up next for mRNA technology

A discussion on mRNA technology being used to fight against cancer

Guest: Jason Tetro - Host of Super Awesome Science Show and infectious disease expert

OPINION PIECE: “When Kenney’s done with the threat of ‘Bigfoot Family,’ he should get to Sesame Street”

A discussion on Alberta Premier Jason Kenny's decision to fight back against a netflix animated film 

Guest: Lori Williams - Associate professor of Economics, Justice and Policy Studies at Mount Royal University

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:

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