Canadian Common Sense – Fossil Fuel Lethargy

Alberta oil is at an all-time low. Leaders around the world are calling for China to take responsibility for the COVID-19 outbreak.

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to upend lives around the world, the call for China to own up for its cover up on the pandemic is getting louder.

Evidence is mounting that the Chinese Communist Party knew how infectious and how lethal the novel coronavirus was and that they ordered the disappearance of whistleblowers as well as the destruction of incriminating evidence.

Guest: Terry Glavin, Author, journalist. Ottawa Citizen & National Post columnist

Mounting concerns over the resurgence of coronavirus in some patients who had previously recovered

Recent studies of COVID-19 transmission in communities has given us a better picture beyond cast testing but it’s inconclusive.

Guest: Dr. Jason Kindrachuk, Assistant Professor, Canada Research Chair Department of Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, University of Manitoba

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Canadian Common Sense – Fossil Fuel Lethargy

Alberta oil is at an all-time low. Leaders around the world are calling for China to take responsibility for the COVID-19 outbreak.

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to upend lives around the world, the call for China to own up for its cover up on the pandemic is getting louder.

Evidence is mounting that the Chinese Communist Party knew how infectious and how lethal the novel coronavirus was and that they ordered the disappearance of whistleblowers as well as the destruction of incriminating evidence.

Guest: Terry Glavin, Author, journalist. Ottawa Citizen & National Post columnist

Mounting concerns over the resurgence of coronavirus in some patients who had previously recovered

Recent studies of COVID-19 transmission in communities has given us a better picture beyond cast testing but it’s inconclusive.

Guest: Dr. Jason Kindrachuk, Assistant Professor, Canada Research Chair Department of Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, University of Manitoba

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more: