Nov. 22, 1963 is a date that many would not forget

President JF Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, TX. Do you remember what you were doing at that moment?

Info reveals at least 19 public servants are tasked with helping former minister Morneau’s OECD bid

The Liberals have promised a fiscal update. 

Guest - Aaron Wudrick - Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation

Could covid restrictions boost Alberta’s economy? How?

Could a lockdown help get us out of this quicker?

Guest - Aidan Hollis - Prof of Economics at University of Calgary; President of Incentives for Global Health

Reactions to the Libs commercial rent relief

Will it be enough to help small business across the country?

Guest - Laura Jones - Executive Vice-President and Chief Strategic Officer of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB)

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:


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Nov. 22, 1963 is a date that many would not forget

President JF Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, TX. Do you remember what you were doing at that moment?

Info reveals at least 19 public servants are tasked with helping former minister Morneau’s OECD bid

The Liberals have promised a fiscal update. 

Guest - Aaron Wudrick - Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation

Could covid restrictions boost Alberta’s economy? How?

Could a lockdown help get us out of this quicker?

Guest - Aidan Hollis - Prof of Economics at University of Calgary; President of Incentives for Global Health

Reactions to the Libs commercial rent relief

Will it be enough to help small business across the country?

Guest - Laura Jones - Executive Vice-President and Chief Strategic Officer of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB)

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:


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