Canadian Common Sense - We are all the SAME

Charles asks why the rise in hate?

Violent attacks against Asians are on the rise globally. How you could avoid being a ‘bystander’?

What can we do if we see a similar situation occuring?

Guest - Dr. Andrew Weaver - Climate scientist; Professor in School Earth and Ocean Sciences, UVic; and former MLA for Oak Bay-Gordon Head

Rising covid cases across the country and what it means for Easter weekend

Will we see an increase post Easter weekend?

Guest - Dr. Raywat Deonandan - Epidemiologist; and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa

What to expect from the ongoing Derek Chauvin trial

What is the case that both sides will try to build?

Guest - Ari Goldkind - Toronto-based criminal defense lawyer; and a regular commentator on Charles Adler Tonight

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Canadian Common Sense - We are all the SAME

Charles asks why the rise in hate?

Violent attacks against Asians are on the rise globally. How you could avoid being a ‘bystander’?

What can we do if we see a similar situation occuring?

Guest - Dr. Andrew Weaver - Climate scientist; Professor in School Earth and Ocean Sciences, UVic; and former MLA for Oak Bay-Gordon Head

Rising covid cases across the country and what it means for Easter weekend

Will we see an increase post Easter weekend?

Guest - Dr. Raywat Deonandan - Epidemiologist; and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa

What to expect from the ongoing Derek Chauvin trial

What is the case that both sides will try to build?

Guest - Ari Goldkind - Toronto-based criminal defense lawyer; and a regular commentator on Charles Adler Tonight

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:

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