Canadian Common Sense – What’s Good for Alberta Is Good for Canada

Charles responds to listener feedback about his statements regarding May and Blanchet’s claims “oil is dead”.

How COVID-19 changed the 75th anniversary celebration of the V-E Day

It’s the 75th anniversary of VE Day (Victory over Europe Day) and on such an historic day there would normally be a grand showing but the COVID-19 pandemic has changed celebrations.

Guest: Anthony Wilson Smith, President/CEO @HistoricaCanada; maker of #HeritageMinutes

How we are doing politics in the era of COVID-19

Discussion includes Elizabeth May and Yves Blanchet’s claims “oil is dead”, the shooting in Georgia, and Quebec’s decision to re-open the economy.

Guest: Warren Kinsella, Political commentator; Lawyer; and Author

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:​

Canadian Common Sense – What’s Good for Alberta Is Good for Canada

Charles responds to listener feedback about his statements regarding May and Blanchet’s claims “oil is dead”.

How COVID-19 changed the 75th anniversary celebration of the V-E Day

It’s the 75th anniversary of VE Day (Victory over Europe Day) and on such an historic day there would normally be a grand showing but the COVID-19 pandemic has changed celebrations.

Guest: Anthony Wilson Smith, President/CEO @HistoricaCanada; maker of #HeritageMinutes

How we are doing politics in the era of COVID-19

Discussion includes Elizabeth May and Yves Blanchet’s claims “oil is dead”, the shooting in Georgia, and Quebec’s decision to re-open the economy.

Guest: Warren Kinsella, Political commentator; Lawyer; and Author

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more: