Canadian Common Sense - More reaction to the events in DC and Charles says the media does deserve some blame. 

365 days after the PS752 Ukrainian crash, families are still searching for answers

Friday marks the one year anniversary. 

Guest - Hamed Esmaeilion - Hamed Esmaeilion lost his wife and daughter in the PS752 last January

Reasons why violent protests occur. This is in reference to the pro-Trump protest inside the Capitol Hill on Wednesday

The thinking behind rioters and angry protestors. 

Guest - Azim Shariff - Associate Professor and Canada 150 Research Chair of Moral Psychology, UBC

Why 20 percent of Canadians agree the 2020 U.S. election was not fair

Why the support for Trumps claims in Canada?

Guest - Angus Reid - Chairman of the Angus Reid Institute; and CEO and founder of Angus Reid Global

Why Canadians are calling for Winnipeg’s Band ‘Guess Who’ to be inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Can you believe that one of Canada's most legendary rock bands is not in the hall of fame?

Guest - Danny Schur - Winnipeg composer; producer; pianist with over 30 years of experience. He worked on one of the Guess Who Concerts

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Canadian Common Sense - More reaction to the events in DC and Charles says the media does deserve some blame. 

365 days after the PS752 Ukrainian crash, families are still searching for answers

Friday marks the one year anniversary. 

Guest - Hamed Esmaeilion - Hamed Esmaeilion lost his wife and daughter in the PS752 last January

Reasons why violent protests occur. This is in reference to the pro-Trump protest inside the Capitol Hill on Wednesday

The thinking behind rioters and angry protestors. 

Guest - Azim Shariff - Associate Professor and Canada 150 Research Chair of Moral Psychology, UBC

Why 20 percent of Canadians agree the 2020 U.S. election was not fair

Why the support for Trumps claims in Canada?

Guest - Angus Reid - Chairman of the Angus Reid Institute; and CEO and founder of Angus Reid Global

Why Canadians are calling for Winnipeg’s Band ‘Guess Who’ to be inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Can you believe that one of Canada's most legendary rock bands is not in the hall of fame?

Guest - Danny Schur - Winnipeg composer; producer; pianist with over 30 years of experience. He worked on one of the Guess Who Concerts

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:

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