Canadian Common Sense - Vaccine arrivals in Canada and more on Snowbirds

Any sympathy for the stranded snowbirds?

Why Pfizer BioNTech vaccine’s initial dose could be robust enough

One dose may be good enough for now. 

Guest - Dr. Madhav Sarda - Psychiatrist

What Canada can learn from Israel’s covid-19 vaccination strategy

Also, what should Erin O'Toole focus on as election season looms. 

Guest - Warren Kinsella - Regular commentator on the Charles Adler Tonight; a lawyer; and an instructor

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Canadian Common Sense - Vaccine arrivals in Canada and more on Snowbirds

Any sympathy for the stranded snowbirds?

Why Pfizer BioNTech vaccine’s initial dose could be robust enough

One dose may be good enough for now. 

Guest - Dr. Madhav Sarda - Psychiatrist

What Canada can learn from Israel’s covid-19 vaccination strategy

Also, what should Erin O'Toole focus on as election season looms. 

Guest - Warren Kinsella - Regular commentator on the Charles Adler Tonight; a lawyer; and an instructor

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:

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