Coming up on the show, Professor Bessma Momani explains why Trudeau being seen shaking hands with the Iranian foreign minister is a big problem. Later, our gas buddy Dan McTeague comes on to discuss if the nationwide pipeline protests will result in a rise in gas prices. Finally, political commentator Warren Kinsella reacts to all the political happenings from the last week. But first, some Canadian common sense.

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Coming up on the show, Professor Bessma Momani explains why Trudeau being seen shaking hands with the Iranian foreign minister is a big problem. Later, our gas buddy Dan McTeague comes on to discuss if the nationwide pipeline protests will result in a rise in gas prices. Finally, political commentator Warren Kinsella reacts to all the political happenings from the last week. But first, some Canadian common sense.

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more: