Canadian Common Sense 

Is Canada a rule of law country or a let's make a deal country. BC Supreme Court Justice Heather Holmes' ruling today is firmly by the rule of law. What will be the fallout moving forward. 

A B.C. judge has denied Meng Wanzhou’s case on extradition.

What does the Supreme Court of BC decision mean moving forward? 

Guest: Sandy Garossino - Writer; former trial lawyer; and columnist National Observer. 

What the B.C. court decision means for Canada-China relations.

How the decision will have an impact on students studying in Canada, trade relations and looking deeper at business connections with mainland China. 

Guest: Matthew Fisher - Global News Columnist; and International affairs correspondent with over 35 years experience working abroad.

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:​


Canadian Common Sense 

Is Canada a rule of law country or a let's make a deal country. BC Supreme Court Justice Heather Holmes' ruling today is firmly by the rule of law. What will be the fallout moving forward. 

A B.C. judge has denied Meng Wanzhou’s case on extradition.

What does the Supreme Court of BC decision mean moving forward? 

Guest: Sandy Garossino - Writer; former trial lawyer; and columnist National Observer. 

What the B.C. court decision means for Canada-China relations.

How the decision will have an impact on students studying in Canada, trade relations and looking deeper at business connections with mainland China. 

Guest: Matthew Fisher - Global News Columnist; and International affairs correspondent with over 35 years experience working abroad.

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more: