Canadian Common Sense 

Dear Mr. Kaepernick, You Were RIght, I Was Wrong.

The death of George Floyd in police custody is causing a nationwide outrage.

Crowds are continuing to protest and Donald Trump is fanning the flames on twitter. 

Guest: Zain Velji - Political Analyst/ Partner and VP at Northweather Calgary, and Co-Founder at EveryonesCanada

Civil unrest in Minneapolis sparked by the death of a black man.

On this side of the border, do we see this same extent of racism against people of color?

Guest: Dr. Annette Henry - UBC Professor of Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice.

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more:​


Canadian Common Sense 

Dear Mr. Kaepernick, You Were RIght, I Was Wrong.

The death of George Floyd in police custody is causing a nationwide outrage.

Crowds are continuing to protest and Donald Trump is fanning the flames on twitter. 

Guest: Zain Velji - Political Analyst/ Partner and VP at Northweather Calgary, and Co-Founder at EveryonesCanada

Civil unrest in Minneapolis sparked by the death of a black man.

On this side of the border, do we see this same extent of racism against people of color?

Guest: Dr. Annette Henry - UBC Professor of Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice.

Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more: