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There are many skeptics that say testimonies of healing in Christian crusades are a farce. Then there are Christians that say that God's healing power was only for biblical times and does not happen in the modern world. Evangelist Mario Murillo says that, since his ministry is flooded with reports of miraculous healings, it "starts to become background noise and we tend to lose our sense of credibility of what people say." Here are two incredible healing testimonies, Murillo told Charisma News' John Matarazzo, that are simply undeniable. It all begins with a man named Steve, who attended one of Murillo's tent crusades in Colorado Springs, Colorado, last July. According to Steve, he lived in a house, alone, for seven years, and he refused to venture out into the public because, as Murillo said, "he lived on a level of pain that few human beings can understand." Steve took several medications every day to deal with the pain of five ruptured discs in his spine. "There he was, not a Christian, lost, with no hope and in darkness," Murillo said. Some friends brought Steve to the Murillo crusade and Steve became annoyed. Not because it was painful for him to sit, but because thought he was coming to a concert and not a Christian event. "He was perturbed; a lot of anxiety about it," Murillo said. And Murillo wanted to make it clear that the following was all God, and he had nothing to do even with the opportunity for Steve's healing. "I'm in the pulpit, and I point to the back," Murillo said. "I said right there is a man whose spine is being healed. And at that moment, Steve felt these fingers—and these vertebrae go back into place. Seven years of indescribable pain was gone in an instant. Read the full article!