Anyone who engages in online gambling understands that there’s a significant element of risk involved. Playing games of chance and letting the odds determine your fate always carries some danger that you’ll end up losing, but the rules you’re playing by are supposed to be fair.

Fraudsters upend this delicate balance by forcing themselves into online gambling scenarios where they can, cheat, hack, and steal to take advantage of both the house and other players. How is fraud impacting the world of online gambling, and what can merchants to do get this problem under control?

Online credit card fraud is a huge problem for every merchant in ecommerce, from the biggest and most family-friendly retailers to small, niche-oriented internet gaming sites. The total global cost of cybercrime may exceed $6 trillion per year by 2021, and a significant portion of that financial burden falls directly on the merchants who sell goods and services over the internet. The costs of ecommerce fraud come back to bite merchants in multiple different ways.

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©Chargeback Gurus 2021
Production: Emily Woodward
Narration: Phil Claffey