Charbroiled Chats won't change your life but it might make your day.

Good friends talking about everything in general and nothing in particular. Occasionally thoughtful, often silly, mostly inconsequential.

GRACE is a foodie who hates to cook, a Japanophile who has never been to Japan, a movie and music fan who denigrates Hollywood rom-coms and jazz, and a lover of celebrity gossip who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about celebrities.

BAYLIE grew up in the Big Apple but now enjoys a quiet life in the Finger Lakes. Still searching for what she wants to be when she grows up, she fills her time with reading, tackling crossword puzzles, making fuzzy baby blankets and walking with her dog. Not an overly talkative or extroverted person, she often wonders how she ended up on a podcast.

WALLY is a fan of F1, dogs and corn fritters. He enjoys talking pictures and taking pictures. In 1965 he became convinced that the meaning of life has something to do with podcasts,  so he invented them a couple of years later.

Instagram: charbroiledchats

Twitter: @CharbroiledC

Facebook: charbroiledchats

[email protected]

Music: The Way Home by Zakhar Valaha via Pixabay
Funky Disco by Biz Baz Studio via  the YouTube Audio Library.

Email Grace, Baylie and/or Wally at [email protected]. Unlike most celebrity podcasters, we read and respond to every email.