We talked with our good friend Evin about LARPing, cosplay, conventions, and just got a bit goofy! He's a cool guy that we've known for a bit, so it was a good ol' catch up fest. Explicit language and some mention of alcohol, but it's all in good fun.

You can find Evin doing the cosplay thing at: https://www.facebook.com/thaumaturgecosplay/

You can find his crafts at: https://www.facebook.com/thaumaturgearts/ or http://www.thaumaturgearts.etsy.com/

Or at tumblr as http://pantydragon.tumblr.com/

Follow us @CharacterRev on Twitter

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Dom is @brothadom on the tweets and the tumbles and generally on the net

Steph is @captainsteph on Twitter and @thesnowqueer on Tumblr

All three of us write at Ladygeekgirl.wordpress.com