Character Debates made it to the 50th episode and it's a big one!!!! To celebrate, we got Tom Holland's bleeding heart Spider-man debating the punitive Batman on what is the best way to rehabilitate super villains!   Listen to these valiant heroes discuss punching the mentally ill, joking while in combat and house arrest in your friends condo!! All judged by the nefarious Professor Pickles!!!   Moderator: Michael Harrison   Spider-Man: Elon Altman   Batman: Drew Dunn   Professor Pickles: Jake Vevera

Character Debates made it to the 50th episode and it's a big one!!!! To celebrate, we got Tom Holland's bleeding heart Spider-man debating the punitive Batman on what is the best way to rehabilitate super villains!   Listen to these valiant heroes discuss punching the mentally ill, joking while in combat and house arrest in your friends condo!! All judged by the nefarious Professor Pickles!!!   Moderator: Michael Harrison   Spider-Man: Elon Altman   Batman: Drew Dunn   Professor Pickles: Jake Vevera