Nothing like squeezing in one more Character Corner episode at the 11th hour. 
Anyway, Kriss and Dpalm are back with Part 2 of their Captain America Character Corner. In the first episode we covered Steve Rogers and in this episode we cover all the other men that have held the Shield (Minus Sam since we covered Sam a few years ago).
While Steve Rogers was a Golden Age Character that eventually made his way to the Silver Age in Avengers #4, Marvel had published some comics with Captain America appearing in the 50's. Never to let mess continuity get in the way, Marvel decided to give us some interesting characters to fill in those gaps. Some where noble (William Nasland and Jeff Mace). Others...not so much. There's a recurring theme with the replacements of Cap. We go through the good and the bad.

After WWII - What If Vol 1 Issue #4

William Nasland & Fred davis
Jeff Mace (Also check out Captain America: Patriot)

Cap of the 50's

Captain America #153  - William Burnside & Jack Monroe - First Appearance 
Captain America #232 - William Burnside returns as Grand Director

John Walker

Captain America #323 - First appearance as Super Patriot
Captain America #333 - Takes over as new Captain America

Bucky Barnes

Brubaker Run 

Captain America: The Death of Captain America Vol 2 (Issues 31 - 36)
Captain America: The Death of Captain America Vol 3 (Issues 37 - 42)
Captain America: The Man with No Face (Issues 43 - 48)
Captain America: Road to Reborn (Issues 49 - 50, 600 - 601)
Captain America: Two Americas (Issues 602 - 605)
Captain America: No Escape (Issues 606 - 610)
Captain America: Trial of Captain America (Issues 611 - 615)
Captain America: Prisoner of War (Issues 616 - 619)

Isiah Bradley

Truth: Red, White and Black

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