The boys are back! Despite what you may have suspected, we are still a podcast. We're warming up at the end of this offseason, and can feel ourselves getting closer and closer to regular season dumbassery-shape. Today's highlights include UGA football news,  llama talk, realignment madness, and a ton of your very good #askcbc questions!

If you like what you've heard here today, hit us up on twitter @chapelbellcurve, @nathanjlawrence, and @thejustinbray. If you'd like to support the podcast more, head over to our Patreon , where as little as $1 a month gets you access to our awesome discord. 

Time Stamps: 

1:47 Texas and OU Mess 

6:05 How to break free from the BIG 

12 13:40 Breaking News on Channel CBC 

19:51 Reaction as a fan

 24:45 The possibilities of pods 

29:17 General news/Barstool Bowl 

30:47 UGA recruiting 

33:38 Ask CBC 

52:21 Dr. James Barefield Troll Corner  


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