Hello and welcome to CHAOSScast Community podcast, where we share use cases and experiences with measuring open source community health. Elevating conversations about metrics, analytics, and software from the Community Health Analytics Open Source Software, or short CHAOSS Project, to wherever you like to listen. Welcome back to Part Two to a conversation we had with our amazing guest, Hedan Zeng, who’s the Director of Product Management at Common Room. In Part One, we spoke to Hedan about the development of Common Room, the history of Hedan’s personal journey in community, and what Common Room’s real philosophies around community health have been. Today, we brought her back so we can talk more about our metrics. Download this episode now to find out much more, and don’t forget to subscribe for free to this podcast on your favorite podcast app and share this podcast with your friends and colleagues!
[00:03:22] Hedan does a quick recap of what Common Room the platform does.
[00:04:19] In the last episode, Hedan mentioned area they look at the health of the community, and one of them was around engagement and metrics around engagement, and she tells us things she has found valuable for her customers to look at.
[00:10:24] Venia brings up grapevine or unstructured community spaces, and she wonders how Hedan tackles these different sentiment developments in the actual metrics path and data flow for her system.
[00:12:48] Sophia wants to know if there are different ways that Hedan addresses the same kind of questions in terms of guiding her customers and understanding the nuances between platform sources and sentiments.
[00:14:52] We find out how Common Room addresses the nuance between these personas that while they might have some overlap, tend to have different orientations.
[00:16:47] Does Hedan think that there’s some explicit differences between how Common Room would tackle to completely different community avatars?
[00:19:07] Hedan tells us about some specific metrics to understand the different pieces that she’s been seeing.
[00:21:41] Venia brings up community interaction and Hedan talks more about how she’s generating that 3X engagement factor.
[00:23:38] Sophia wonders if Common Room can identify whether or not folks are at risk of burnouts, and Hedan tells us about how Common Room does a surface sentiment at a member level.
[00:28:38] We find out how Hedan’s user experience makes decisions about the metrics and the way she visualizes this data in her platform.
[00:32:22] We learn the process Common Room makes the users who are interacting and visualizing the data they go through.
[00:35:10] Looking at the membership statistics around various different platforms, Sophia wonders if this could be an effective way to gauge an open source project’s usage and then knowing that, we find out if it’s enough or if anything is missing to make a better assessment of the overall user community size.
[00:36:47] Find out where you can follow Hedan and Common Room online.
Value Adds (Picks) of the week:
[00:38:00] Hedan’s pick is being excited for football season and fantasy football season to commence.
[00:38:34] Sophia’s pick is to remember to breathe, take breaks, and do puzzles.
[00:39:44] Venia’s pick is Richard Millington and a webinar he did called, The Gold Standard of Community Data.
Venia Logan
Georg Link
Sophia Vargas
Hedan Zeng
SustainOSS (https://sustainoss.org/)
CHAOSS (https://chaoss.community/)
CHAOSS Project Twitter (https://twitter.com/chaossproj?lang=en)
CHAOSScast Podcast (https://podcast.chaoss.community/)
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Ford Foundation (https://www.fordfoundation.org/)
Georg Link Twitter (https://twitter.com/georglink)
Venia Logan Twitter (https://twitter.com/SamanthaVenia)
Sophia Vargas Twitter (https://twitter.com/Sophia_IV)
Hedan Zeng Twitter (https://twitter.com/Hedankers)
Hedan Zeng LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/hedanzeng)
Common Room (https://www.commonroom.io/)
Common Room Community (https://www.commonroom.io/uncommon/)
Richard Millington Twitter (https://twitter.com/RichMillington?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor)
The Gold Standard of Community Data with Richard Millington (vimeo) (https://vimeo.com/746831935) Special Guest: Hedan Zeng.

Hello and welcome to CHAOSScast Community podcast, where we share use cases and experiences with measuring open source community health. Elevating conversations about metrics, analytics, and software from the Community Health Analytics Open Source Software, or short CHAOSS Project, to wherever you like to listen. Welcome back to Part Two to a conversation we had with our amazing guest, Hedan Zeng, who’s the Director of Product Management at Common Room. In Part One, we spoke to Hedan about the development of Common Room, the history of Hedan’s personal journey in community, and what Common Room’s real philosophies around community health have been. Today, we brought her back so we can talk more about our metrics. Download this episode now to find out much more, and don’t forget to subscribe for free to this podcast on your favorite podcast app and share this podcast with your friends and colleagues!

[00:03:22] Hedan does a quick recap of what Common Room the platform does.

[00:04:19] In the last episode, Hedan mentioned area they look at the health of the community, and one of them was around engagement and metrics around engagement, and she tells us things she has found valuable for her customers to look at.

[00:10:24] Venia brings up grapevine or unstructured community spaces, and she wonders how Hedan tackles these different sentiment developments in the actual metrics path and data flow for her system.

[00:12:48] Sophia wants to know if there are different ways that Hedan addresses the same kind of questions in terms of guiding her customers and understanding the nuances between platform sources and sentiments.

[00:14:52] We find out how Common Room addresses the nuance between these personas that while they might have some overlap, tend to have different orientations.

[00:16:47] Does Hedan think that there’s some explicit differences between how Common Room would tackle to completely different community avatars?

[00:19:07] Hedan tells us about some specific metrics to understand the different pieces that she’s been seeing.

[00:21:41] Venia brings up community interaction and Hedan talks more about how she’s generating that 3X engagement factor.

[00:23:38] Sophia wonders if Common Room can identify whether or not folks are at risk of burnouts, and Hedan tells us about how Common Room does a surface sentiment at a member level.

[00:28:38] We find out how Hedan’s user experience makes decisions about the metrics and the way she visualizes this data in her platform.

[00:32:22] We learn the process Common Room makes the users who are interacting and visualizing the data they go through.

[00:35:10] Looking at the membership statistics around various different platforms, Sophia wonders if this could be an effective way to gauge an open source project’s usage and then knowing that, we find out if it’s enough or if anything is missing to make a better assessment of the overall user community size.

[00:36:47] Find out where you can follow Hedan and Common Room online.

Value Adds (Picks) of the week:

[00:38:00] Hedan’s pick is being excited for football season and fantasy football season to commence.
[00:38:34] Sophia’s pick is to remember to breathe, take breaks, and do puzzles.
[00:39:44] Venia’s pick is Richard Millington and a webinar he did called, The Gold Standard of Community Data.


Venia Logan
Georg Link
Sophia Vargas


Hedan Zeng




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Ford Foundation
Georg Link Twitter
Venia Logan Twitter
Sophia Vargas Twitter
Hedan Zeng Twitter
Hedan Zeng LinkedIn
Common Room
Common Room Community
Richard Millington Twitter
The Gold Standard of Community Data with Richard Millington (vimeo)

Special Guest: Hedan Zeng.

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