Hello and welcome to CHAOSScast Community podcast, where we share use cases and experiences with measuring open source community health. Elevating conversations about metrics, analytics, and software from the Community Health Analytics Open Source Software, or short CHAOSS Project, to wherever you like to listen. On today’s episode, we are talking about Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Reflection, which is a project that we had at CHAOSS Community to look at our own practices and how we can make our community more welcoming and inclusive, and we were fortunate to receive a grant from the Ford Foundation to complete this work. Our DEI team that has been working on this is joining us to discuss the motivation for this journey, what they’ve learned, implemented, the metrics strategy, and what they are looking forward at into the future of where they can take this work next. Download this episode now to find out much more, and don’t forget to subscribe for free to this podcast on your favorite podcast app and share this podcast with your friends and colleagues!
[00:03:40] Some of the panelists share what their motivation was to embark on this journey.
[00:05:27] We hear some things the panelists have learned from looking at the CHAOSS Project and things they’ve been doing to understand what works and where can they improve.
[00:08:05] Elizabeth and Matt explain how the group got together and worked to arrive at their findings.
[00:10:34] We learn about some easy things they’ve learned and implemented.
[00:14:34] Sean dives into the metrics strategy and explains the three categories of metrics, and Matt explains the DEI Badging Program.
[00:19:21] The panelists share things they are looking at into the future of where can we take this work next?
[00:24:41] Find out where you can learn more if you’re interested in this kind of work they’re doing, as well as learn about new things that are coming up with this group.
Value Adds (Picks) of the week:
[00:25:43] Georg’s pick is being super happy with how professional the medical field has been keeping people happy.
[00:26:36] Ruth’s pick is to always have hard conversations.
[00:26:52] Kristi’s pick is she passed the Project Management Professional Certification.
[00:27:21] Matt’s pick is he bought his first snow blower.
[00:27:54] Sean’s pick is a book called, Algorithms on Strings.
[00:28:10] Kafayah’s pick is her plants and a light she found to help them grow during the winter.
[00:28:27] Elizabeth’s pick is her favorite team, the Cincinnati Bengals.
[00:29:12] Georgia’s pick is a website called, How I Experienced Web Today.
Georg Link
Kristi Progri
Selene Yang
Georgia Bullen
Ruth Ikegah
Matt Germonprez
Sean Goggins
Elizabeth Barron
Kafayah Lawal
SustainOSS (https://sustainoss.org/)
CHAOSS (https://chaoss.community/)
CHAOSS Project Twitter (https://twitter.com/chaossproj?lang=en)
CHAOSScast Podcast (https://podcast.chaoss.community/)
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Ford Foundation (https://www.fordfoundation.org/)
CHAOSS Blog Post-DEI Audit 2021 (https://chaoss.community/blog-post/2022/01/28/dei-audit-2021/)
Georg Link Twitter (https://twitter.com/georglink)
Kristi Progri Twitter (https://twitter.com/kristiprogri)
Selene Yang (https://wikimediafoundation.org/profile/selene-yang/)
Georgia Bullen Twitter (https://twitter.com/georgiamoon?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor)
Matt Germonprez Twitter (https://twitter.com/germ)
Sean Goggins Twitter (https://twitter.com/sociallycompute)
Kafayah Lawal LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kafayah-lawal)
Elizabeth Barron Twitter (https://twitter.com/elizabethn)
Ruth Ikegah Twitter (https://twitter.com/IkegahRuth)
CHAOSS Community- Participate (https://chaoss.community/participate/)
CHAOSS Community Slack (https://chaoss-workspace.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-r65szij9-QajX59hkZUct82b0uACA6g#/shared-invite/email)
[Algorithms on Strings by Maxime Crochemore, Christophe Hancart, Thierry Lecroq](https://www.amazon.com/Algorithms-Strings-Maxime-Crochemore/dp/1107670993/ref=sr12?crid=MJOWIQ7JZ49K&keywords=algorithms+on+strings&qid=1643831058&sprefix=algorithms+on+strings%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-2)
Plant Grow Light (https://www.amazon.com/Yadoker-Growing-Spectrum-Adjustable-Automatic/dp/B08NCR9S1D/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2V5SLHMJDAWTC&keywords=indoor%2Bplant%2Blight&qid=1643754020&sprefix=indoor%2Bplant%2Blight%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-1-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExV1pQSzdNS1ZYUkg4JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTY5NzIxM0U5RkxENkRLSVg1QyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMzc3MTQwMTEwTU5aU0swWkg1WCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU&th=1)
Cincinnati Bengals (https://www.bengals.com/)
How I Experienced Web Today (https://how-i-experience-web-today.com/)

Hello and welcome to CHAOSScast Community podcast, where we share use cases and experiences with measuring open source community health. Elevating conversations about metrics, analytics, and software from the Community Health Analytics Open Source Software, or short CHAOSS Project, to wherever you like to listen. On today’s episode, we are talking about Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Reflection, which is a project that we had at CHAOSS Community to look at our own practices and how we can make our community more welcoming and inclusive, and we were fortunate to receive a grant from the Ford Foundation to complete this work. Our DEI team that has been working on this is joining us to discuss the motivation for this journey, what they’ve learned, implemented, the metrics strategy, and what they are looking forward at into the future of where they can take this work next. Download this episode now to find out much more, and don’t forget to subscribe for free to this podcast on your favorite podcast app and share this podcast with your friends and colleagues!

[00:03:40] Some of the panelists share what their motivation was to embark on this journey.

[00:05:27] We hear some things the panelists have learned from looking at the CHAOSS Project and things they’ve been doing to understand what works and where can they improve.

[00:08:05] Elizabeth and Matt explain how the group got together and worked to arrive at their findings.

[00:10:34] We learn about some easy things they’ve learned and implemented.

[00:14:34] Sean dives into the metrics strategy and explains the three categories of metrics, and Matt explains the DEI Badging Program.

[00:19:21] The panelists share things they are looking at into the future of where can we take this work next?

[00:24:41] Find out where you can learn more if you’re interested in this kind of work they’re doing, as well as learn about new things that are coming up with this group.

Value Adds (Picks) of the week:

[00:25:43] Georg’s pick is being super happy with how professional the medical field has been keeping people happy.
[00:26:36] Ruth’s pick is to always have hard conversations.
[00:26:52] Kristi’s pick is she passed the Project Management Professional Certification.
[00:27:21] Matt’s pick is he bought his first snow blower.
[00:27:54] Sean’s pick is a book called, Algorithms on Strings.
[00:28:10] Kafayah’s pick is her plants and a light she found to help them grow during the winter.
[00:28:27] Elizabeth’s pick is her favorite team, the Cincinnati Bengals.
[00:29:12] Georgia’s pick is a website called, How I Experienced Web Today.


Georg Link

Kristi Progri

Selene Yang

Georgia Bullen

Ruth Ikegah

Matt Germonprez

Sean Goggins

Elizabeth Barron

Kafayah Lawal





CHAOSS Project Twitter

CHAOSScast Podcast

[email protected]

Ford Foundation

CHAOSS Blog Post-DEI Audit 2021

Georg Link Twitter

Kristi Progri Twitter

Selene Yang

Georgia Bullen Twitter

Matt Germonprez Twitter

Sean Goggins Twitter

Kafayah Lawal LinkedIn

Elizabeth Barron Twitter

Ruth Ikegah Twitter

CHAOSS Community- Participate

CHAOSS Community Slack

Algorithms on Strings by Maxime Crochemore, Christophe Hancart, Thierry Lecroq

Plant Grow Light

Cincinnati Bengals

How I Experienced Web Today

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