Hello and welcome to CHAOSScast Community podcast, where we share use cases and experiences with measuring open source community health. Elevating conversations about metrics, analytics, and software from the Community Health Analytics Open Source Software, or short CHAOSS Project, to wherever you like to listen. Today, we have joining us again, Carina Zona, who is the Head of Developer Relations for Toolchain, which is the lead sponsor of Pantsbuild open source project. If you listened to our previous episode, in Part 1 we talked about the Pants community and how it’s been evolving over the last ten years, and there were conversations about some qualitative means of measuring and some culture around growing community. Today’s episode is Part 2, where we get more hands-on with what you can do with data with understanding the community. Also, Carina details about the tools they use to satisfy their data needs, how they organize all the data, and more about Savannah CRM and tagging. Download this episode now to find out much more, and don’t forget to subscribe for free to this podcast on your favorite podcast app and share this podcast with your friends and colleagues!
[00:02:37] As the Dev Rel person in the community, Carina talks and reports to stakeholders who need different data points, so she explains the data points she looks at and the tools she’s using to satisfy her data needs.
[00:06:00] Carina explains how she organizes all the data that comes in from the surveys.
[00:10:22] We find out some other ways Carina is using the data, as well as who she reports to and what she reports.
[00:12:21] Venia wonders if there are different dashboards and reports that Carina provides to the individuals with completely different key performance indicators.
[00:14:43] The topic of tagging in Savannah CRM is brought up and Carina explains what’s in Savannah.
[00:20:41] Carina tells us more about the tagging in Savannah and Venia wonders if she’s using the tags in order to bring up and study the comments on a customer sentiment.
[00:27:50] Carina shares some advice to other Dev Rels who want to understand the health of their communities and work towards making them more healthy.
[00:30:49] Find out where you can follow Carina online.
Value Adds (Picks) of the week:
[00:32:19] Georg’s pick is designing and building a custom home.
[00:33:17] Venia’s pick is getting back into doing book clubs this week.
[00:33:49] Carina’s pick is having conversations with people that she’s fallen out of touch with during the pandemic.
[00:34:55] Armstrong’s pick is the beauty of family and seeing a very good perspective of life.
Georg Link
Venia Logan
Armstrong Foundjem
Carina Zona
SustainOSS (https://sustainoss.org/)
CHAOSS (https://chaoss.community/)
CHAOSS Project Twitter (https://twitter.com/chaossproj?lang=en)
CHAOSScast Podcast (https://podcast.chaoss.community/)
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Carina C. Zona Website (http://cczona.com/)
Carina C. Zona Twitter (https://twitter.com/cczona?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor)
Pantsbuild (https://www.pantsbuild.org/)
Pantsbuild Twitter (https://twitter.com/pantsbuild?lang=en)
Pantsbuild-GitHub (https://github.com/pantsbuild)
Pantsbuild Slack (https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/getting-help)
Pantsbuild Blog (https://blog.pantsbuild.org/)
Savannah CRM (https://www.savannahhq.com/)
Airtable (https://www.airtable.com/)
SurveyMonkey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/) Special Guest: Carina C. Zona.

Hello and welcome to CHAOSScast Community podcast, where we share use cases and experiences with measuring open source community health. Elevating conversations about metrics, analytics, and software from the Community Health Analytics Open Source Software, or short CHAOSS Project, to wherever you like to listen. Today, we have joining us again, Carina Zona, who is the Head of Developer Relations for Toolchain, which is the lead sponsor of Pantsbuild open source project. If you listened to our previous episode, in Part 1 we talked about the Pants community and how it’s been evolving over the last ten years, and there were conversations about some qualitative means of measuring and some culture around growing community. Today’s episode is Part 2, where we get more hands-on with what you can do with data with understanding the community. Also, Carina details about the tools they use to satisfy their data needs, how they organize all the data, and more about Savannah CRM and tagging. Download this episode now to find out much more, and don’t forget to subscribe for free to this podcast on your favorite podcast app and share this podcast with your friends and colleagues!

[00:02:37] As the Dev Rel person in the community, Carina talks and reports to stakeholders who need different data points, so she explains the data points she looks at and the tools she’s using to satisfy her data needs.

[00:06:00] Carina explains how she organizes all the data that comes in from the surveys.

[00:10:22] We find out some other ways Carina is using the data, as well as who she reports to and what she reports.

[00:12:21] Venia wonders if there are different dashboards and reports that Carina provides to the individuals with completely different key performance indicators.

[00:14:43] The topic of tagging in Savannah CRM is brought up and Carina explains what’s in Savannah.

[00:20:41] Carina tells us more about the tagging in Savannah and Venia wonders if she’s using the tags in order to bring up and study the comments on a customer sentiment.

[00:27:50] Carina shares some advice to other Dev Rels who want to understand the health of their communities and work towards making them more healthy.

[00:30:49] Find out where you can follow Carina online.

Value Adds (Picks) of the week:

[00:32:19] Georg’s pick is designing and building a custom home.
[00:33:17] Venia’s pick is getting back into doing book clubs this week.
[00:33:49] Carina’s pick is having conversations with people that she’s fallen out of touch with during the pandemic.
[00:34:55] Armstrong’s pick is the beauty of family and seeing a very good perspective of life.


Georg Link
Venia Logan
Armstrong Foundjem


Carina Zona




CHAOSS Project Twitter
CHAOSScast Podcast
[email protected]
Carina C. Zona Website
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Pantsbuild Slack
Pantsbuild Blog
Savannah CRM

Special Guest: Carina C. Zona.

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