Oh, Florida Man. Will you ever cease to amuse us with your zany antics? Actually, we know two Florida men who you’re wise to take seriously. One is Matt Rose, co-founder and director of technology services at Tech Rage IT, who joins Matt and Rich this week to talk about ConnectWise’s AI-based automated scripting tool, Kaseya’s forecast for the year ahead, and why cyber liability just might be your new best friend.

The other Florida man you don’t want to miss is the always insightful Jay McBain, chief analyst for global channels at Canalys, who joins the conversation to explain how current economic trends are impacting vendors and their partners, and why everyone in the channel is living in “the decade of the ecosystem.” Crazy!

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Topics and Related Links Mentioned:

Kiss Tech Rage Goodbye: 8 Myths Debunked to Keep You Sane, by Matt Rose - https://www.amazon.com/Kiss-Tech-Rage-Goodbye-Debunked/dp/B098S3ZB7R

ConnectWise Adds ChatGPT-Based Scripting to RMM - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/news/connectwise-adds-chatgpt-based-scripting-rmm-solutions

ConnectWise Has More AI-Enhanced Features Coming Soon - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/news/connectwise-has-more-ai-enhanced-features-coming-soon

Kaseya Foresees “Ugly” Economy That’s Less Ugly for MSPs and Their Vendors - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/news/kaseya-foresees-ugly-economy-s-less-ugly-msps-and-their-vendors

Cyber Liability: Your New Best Friend - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/article/cyber-liability-your-new-best-friend

Rich's quickie preview of the week ahead