A little shame in your life isn’t a problem. Piles of the stuff is a different story. While we ponder how things went this badly wrong, you can enjoy this week’s episode, in which Matt, Rich, and returning guest host—MSP, security expert, and ChannelPro Peer of the Year Oli Thordarson of Alvaka Networks—discuss the latest enhancement to Sophos MDR, the latest partner resources from D&H, the new partner program from NetApp, and the secrets to successfully onboarding and offboarding managed services clients.

Then they’re joined by Corey Nachreiner, chief security officer at WatchGuard, for a tour through that vendor’s latest Internet Threat Report. Scary yet fun stuff just in time for Halloween, and not the slightest bit shameful.

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Topics and Related Links Mentioned:

Sophos Integrates MDR Service with Third-Party Security Solutions - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/news/sophos-integrates-mdr-service-third-party-security-solutions

Undeterred by Recession Fears, D&H Is Rolling Out New Partner Resources - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/news/undeterred-recession-fears-dh-rolling-out-new-partner-resources

NetApp Introduces All-New Partner Program - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/news/netapp-introduces-all-new-partner-program

The Art of Onboarding and Offboarding - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/article/art-onboarding-and-offboarding

WatchGuard Internet Security Report - Q2 2022 - https://www.watchguard.com/wgrd-resource-center/security-report-q2-2022

WatchGuard Secplicity site - https://www.secplicity.org/

Rich's quickie preview of the week ahead