Did you attend this year’s Microsoft Inspire partner conference? Bet you didn’t eat as many chicken fingers there as Rich did. Find out what else he snacked on during meetings, not to mention what he and Matt have to say about Microsoft’s slow but steady progress toward the big partner program and sales process changes it announced last year.

Then stick around for discussions about the latest news from IT Glue, Sophos, BitTitan, and Pax8, Intel’s 50th birthday, the merits of integrated managed services suites, and hard drives old and new. It’ll be one more item off your checklist!

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Show Information:

Episode #: 085
Title: Behold! Checklists and Chicken Fingers
Duration: 1:39:34
File size: 45.7MB
Regulars: Rich Freeman - Executive Editor, Matt Whitlock - Technology Editor

Topics and Related Links Mentioned:

Microsoft Adds Partner Solutions and Services to Cloud Solution Provider Product Catalog Vendors Say Microsoft’s Partner Program Overhaul Remains a Work in Progress  IT Glue Adds Documentation Checklist Feature  Sophos Ships New Edition of Intercept X Security Product for Servers  BitTitan Adds Library of Automated Azure Management Procedures to MSPComplete  Pax8 Introduces Professional Services for Infrastructure as a Service  Intel by the Numbers  Matt's Museum Pick: Maxtor Basics 160GB HDD Matt's Tech Pick: TowerRAID TR4UTBPN Rich's ICYMI preview and peek ahead at the news week to come

Did you attend this year’s Microsoft Inspire partner conference? Bet you didn’t eat as many chicken fingers there as Rich did. Find out what else he snacked on during meetings, not to mention what he and Matt have to say about Microsoft’s slow but steady progress toward the big partner program and sales process changes it announced last year.

Then stick around for discussions about the latest news from IT Glue, Sophos, BitTitan, and Pax8, Intel’s 50th birthday, the merits of integrated managed services suites, and hard drives old and new. It’ll be one more item off your checklist!

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Look for us in your favorite podcast app. If you don't see us (yet) then you can subscribe via RSS in almost any podcast app using this link: http://www.channelpronetwork.com/rss/cpw

Show Information:

Episode #: 085 Title: Behold! Checklists and Chicken Fingers Duration: 1:39:34 File size: 45.7MB Regulars: Rich Freeman - Executive Editor, Matt Whitlock - Technology Editor

Topics and Related Links Mentioned:

Microsoft Adds Partner Solutions and Services to Cloud Solution Provider Product Catalog Vendors Say Microsoft’s Partner Program Overhaul Remains a Work in Progress  IT Glue Adds Documentation Checklist Feature  Sophos Ships New Edition of Intercept X Security Product for Servers  BitTitan Adds Library of Automated Azure Management Procedures to MSPComplete  Pax8 Introduces Professional Services for Infrastructure as a Service  Intel by the Numbers  Matt's Museum Pick: Maxtor Basics 160GB HDD Matt's Tech Pick: TowerRAID TR4UTBPN Rich's ICYMI preview and peek ahead at the news week to come