Together we are clearing the great pathway that is Ascension.

Listen to our Sunday, June 19 show for the background that explains how the Revaluation of Humanity is bringing in the RV/GCR, NESARA and all the other programs we long for.

And join us tonight, June 20th, for a short program to mark this important moment in history - the Full Moon and Summer Solstice meet, with Earth as the balance point!  Our portion of the Gateway is Balance.

We are redefining who we are and what we came here for!  In doing so we join with our Brothers and Sisters in higher dimensions, creating the New Golden Age as we go!  Our goal now is:  The Everlasting Attainment of Balance which requires that we release what is not inherently YOU!

The following Masters will come and speak about the natural qualities which we enjoy when we are balanced!

Mother:  Laughter (and she will define Balance)

Father:  Service

Sananda:  Joy

Michael:  Relaxation

Sanat Kumara:  Clarity

Ashtar:  Ability to choose

Adama:  Creation

Kwan Yin:  Mercy

Hilarion:  Healing

GridStone:  Sing Your Song!

Arcturian Team Leader:  Fun!

Dolphin Collective:  Unity

Saint Germain:  Prosperity

Serapis Bey:  Ascension!

Lady Venus: Grace

Che Kumara:  Love

Terra:  Freedom

We will celebrate the deep expression of Balance as we enjoy our inherent God qualities.

With love,

Kathryn Christine and Meg