Archangel Michael comes to assist us in annihilating the current slave term "responsibility."  Responsibility is NOT a burdensome to-do-list that can never be accomplished. Responsibility is NOT a system of earning privilege, which is never fulfilled.

Response+Ability IS you as your loving, true Presence, heartfully connected to Earth and to God as you gracefully and easily know and realize the blessed fulfillment of your heart dreams.

Starting now, and lasting through our exchange/redemption appointments and into the Golden Days ahead, together with Archangel Michael and his mighty sword, we cut away the previous dark- programmed, erroneous meanings and implications of "Responsibility." We replace it with God's Light-filled meaning, which is the easy, joyful ability to appropriately respond to all conditions and circumstances at all times because I AM God's Love.

with Kathryn, Christine and Meg