We will be joined by Ele and her family, who will tell us of their progress in building their 5-D family together with their dear friend Meg.  We have begun a fascinating discussion about how to evolve as a group, forming the ideal and loving family all of us would want, and this family has generously offered to be our working model.  We will take comments and questions, and begin a mentoring program for listeners.

 An email message will be sent out during the week with a flow chart describing the necessary steps to clear all past dark feelings, with comments by Kathryn about the "evil psychological twins of shame and rage." Sign up at www.whoneedslight.org, or go to our Facebook page, Healing For Ascension Tour for current messages.

Sananda will contribute a channeled message to build on our work and to help us understand our Ascension, and AAMichael will bring us up to date on the massive changes that are occuring across the Earth.

Our co-host Meg Davis brings her bright and loving presence as well as a wide-ranging knowledge of acupuncture, nutrition, and alternative healing practices.  Ele's children will contribute their insights and powerful suggestions to teach ascension from the young person's point of view.

You will learn how to heal psychological and physical illnesses, raise your vibrations, leave old patterns behind, and understand why this is so important for all of us right now on our path to Ascension.

Planet Earth is moving, elevating herself to a higher dimension, and we must do our own work to stay with her on our way to the 5th dimension, where we will once more experience peace, harmony, love and prosperity for all.

You may listen in on BlogTalkRadio, or call in on the guest line with help and comments.

Looking forward to a huge and successful turnout and a historic healing for all!
