Throughout the past weeks, Kathryn and Christine have communicated constantly with those who have designed and are sending the frequency programs, the nano poisoning programs (including chemtrails) and other Anunnaki inventions that have been carried on by the Earth cabal. 

It is possible for us to communicate with them because they can hear us, see us, and have "bugged" Lightworkers everywhere.  Kathryn and Christine have designed and carried out a program of intensive interventions:  a psychological, spiritual and very emotional appeal for all to discontinue their destructive programs and come to the Light.   Underground facilities across the world have been dismantled and shut down. 

As days have passed, many thousands have put down their weapons, so to speak, and come forward to be taken to safe houses and to pledge their Love and their energies to Mother and Father God.  They are asking to help in our efforts to put an end to the warfare against humankind, and many have very sophisticated skills, honed in the caverns and back rooms of the cabal.

Sananda and Mother God and Ashtar will tell us of the effects of the Lightworker programs on the ground, and what the ones who have escaped from the underground are doing to help in our efforts to bring in the prosperity and new governance programs.   It is an enormous shift in the landscape, and an unexpected blessing to all who long for peace and who have worked so diligently to bring in the New Golden Age.