Kathryn E. May, PsyD was asked by Spirit to serve as "The Voice of Mother/Father God" and "The Voice of Sananda" when she was asked to transcribe "The New Scriptures." She now channels any of the Masters who request a "hearing."  St. Germain, Prime Creator (Ohara and Omara) and ONE are  frequent guests. She will do a channeling session live so that callers can call in with questions and speak with the Ascended Masters.

Co-host Meg Davis brings her extensive skills and knowledge of accupuncture and alternative medicine, along with enlightening commentary.  She adds a spirited and loving tone to the lively conversation.

Listen in at 8:00 PM, EDT on Wednesdays,  and also Sunday at 2 PM EDT for the Training and Healing for Ascension show with Sananda and the Arcturians.

This radio show is an extension of the written messages which Dr. May has posted on the website, www.whoneedslight.org.

What would you like to know about our relationship to our Higher Selves?  Twin Flames?

Would you like to know more about where we are as a planet in the process of Ascension?

Do you want information about the progress of the release of Prosperity Funds for all?

Would you like to know who our Ascended Masters are, and what their work really is?

What is a Twin Flame, and will I meet mine?

What happens after we die?

Why doesn't She/He intervene?  or do They?

Why do bad things happen to good people?

What is the one true religion?

Notice please that these are not the kind of questions you would ask your personal psychic. 

Although Dr. May does work as a psychic medium, this show is not intended to answer strictly personal questions like: Will I meet my one true love, or will I get a raise next month?

So, call in, and be ready to be amazed.

Looking forward to hearing from you!