Archangel Michael: 10 Things to Leave at Redemption's Door!

We are mighty. Together as one, we are healing our inner wounds and dissolving old programming. On this intimate show, we will delve into the kinds of things Lightworkers are contributing to the transition by working on our own spiritual awakening and Ascension. 

Archangel Michael will come to let us know how our inner achievements are contributing to the efforts on the surface of Earth, including the release of the Freedom and Prosperity Programs. He will reveal ten things we can surely leave at Redemption’s Door!

Come for insight.  Come for support.  Come for unity.  Come for family.

We are Loved, and WE ARE LOVE!

Kathryn, Christine & Meg

On the show, join us in the following decree...

God's Will Prayer!

In the name of God "I Am," I invoke the presence of beloved Master El Morya, Archangel Michael and all Ascended Masters and angels of the Blue Flame Love of God's Will to guide and protect me daily and hourly.Archangel Michael, come into my life.  

Help me overcome all density with your sword of Blue Flame.  Cut me loose and set me free from all negativity and errors of the past.I ask for a shaft of blue lightening of divine Love be established over my being, over my home, my family, my work and all my affairs....   (Link to the entire decree:  )

(We will repeat 3x.)

Thanks and love to Aurelia Louise Jones of Telos.