Art in a box? You might be one just one person — but through AI breakthroughs, you can augment your musical abilities. Exponentially. This means you have the percussion, the guitars, the horns, the strings, and they all come to a moving crescendo through the synthesis of human and machine. Hear the story of Alex ... Read more

The post Blowing Mozart’s Mind. Artistic Intelligence with Alex Braga, Evolutional Artist appeared first on Changing the Story.

Art in a box? You might be one just one person — but through AI breakthroughs, you can augment your musical abilities. Exponentially. This means you have the percussion, the guitars, the horns, the strings, and they all come to a moving crescendo through the synthesis of human and machine. Hear the story of Alex Braga and how he’s achieved evolutional art to transcend how we experience the world.



Alex Braga

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Alex Braga is the first artist to use a revolutionary new instrument called A-MINT. It is the first adaptive Artificial Intelligence working in real-time for the artist to explore infinite audio/visual creativity. It is a Hyperloop of creation multiplying notes, visuals, arrangements, layers, to plus infinity : this is the signature style of EVOLUTIONAL ART.

Topics discussed in this


Evolutional art and augmented music

Technology is the artist tool and has been since the days of Mozart

Not AI replicating music, it’s AI helping create new music

Technology cannot be a substitute for talent; instead it magnifies either how good — or bad you are

We have massive challenges right now but (AI-enhanced art) can offer new and needed insights

The idea is art




Apple Music

Spleen Machine

The post Blowing Mozart’s Mind. Artistic Intelligence with Alex Braga, Evolutional Artist appeared first on Changing the Story.