In an increasingly complex world, management and decision making are ever more challenging. Using a variety of sources of evidence is a way to avoid our inbuilt, unconscious biases, enabling us to make better, more informed decisions. Eric Barends, MD of CEBMa shares the drivers behind the evidence-based movement and how to gather different sources of evidence to contribute to critical thinking and support decision making.

Eric also offers advice on how to judge the reliability and trustworthiness of research that we read about on a daily basis.

Also, AWA’s Céline Chaverot shares what she’s seeing as French companies and multinationals in France get to grips with the “back to the office” debate. While many have been waiting to see what would happen and what others would do, it seems employees have made their own minds up about what they want for the future.


AWA Host: Karen Plum

Featured guests: 

·         Eric Barends, Managing Director of the Centre for Evidence Based Management

·         Céline Chaverot, Senior Associate, AWA (France)


Author mentioned by Eric: Daniel Kahneman – “Thinking Fast and Slow”

AWA Guest details:  



Centre for Evidence Based Management (CEBMa) 


AWA contact: Andrew Mawson [email protected] 

Advanced Workplace Associates:    


AWI contact: David Smalley  [email protected]

Advanced Workplace Institute:  

Music: courtesy of  

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