Are you on your path to success? How do you know if you are on the right path? Are you defining your own success, or allowing other peoples ideas and values steer the way. 

Lara Wellman joins Lana to discuss defining success for yourself. Lara is a business coach who works primarily with small business owners to help them to find the clarity that they need, so they can start taking the actions that are needed to move towards their goals.

Do you take time to re-evaluate what you want your life to look like? 



🖥 Connect with Lara:

📲 facebook: @thebizstudio



🖥 Connect with Lana:

📲 facebook: @lanadingwallcoaching 

📲 instagram: @lanadingwall 



➡️ Changing The Story; Kick-Ass Women In Business with Lana Dingwall is proudly produced by Podcast Wagon