

How do you feel about the concept of being self made? 


We often think of it in terms of money and access to wealth and early mentorship, but the narrative around it can be harmful.


In reality no one is self made, not even the people we think are, because we’re all products of those around us. We need mentors, community, people who help us problem solve or do things we’re unable to do. Collaboration is a key ingredient in success. 


So my question to you is, do you have enough collaborators, support, mentors and community, or are you trying to do too many things on your own? 


As we move out of 2021 and into 2022, what kinds of support might help you make more progress on your goals? 


How might your load be lightened with others helping you carry it? Are you holding yourself back in some ways because you’re trying to ‘figure it out’ all on your own? 


We dive deeper into this topic on this weeks podcast episode, which you can listen to here. 


When I reflect back on when my coaching dreams were just these little flashes, I realize now how much faster I could have brought them to life if I had gotten support. 


It wasn’t until I genuinely sought out help, got mentors, built community and surrounded myself with people who could help me bring my dreams into reality, did I actually start seeing real progress. 


When we realize no one is self made and instead a by product of all the support they’ve received over the years, it makes it easier for us to stop putting so much pressure on ourselves to figure it all out. 


Help lighten your load, and get the support you need in bringing your epic ideas to life. 

Chat soon,



PS - I am hosting a live sound healing, manifestation, experience/workshop/event on Dec 8th, called The art of creating what we desire - closing 2021, opening to 2022

It’s virtual and if you’ve heard my new podcast intro, it’ll be a TON more of that. Tickets are sliding scale and I hope to see you there. 


If you enjoy these conversations, check out The Lighthouse Collective. It’s a community for socially and spiritually conscious entrepreneurs building a better world together. We talk about topics like this in even more interactive and supportive ways.


If you are interested in working 1-on-1 with me to help grow your business, I would love to connect with you on a free coaching call here. Learn more about my coaching services here