While the Lord is all-powerful, the messages he sends us are seldom loud or boisterous. Instead, these personal revelations are often small, still voices in the back of our minds, urging us on the Lord’s path when the moment is right. But how can you know when you’re experiencing a personal revelation? And, especially in today’s technological world, how can you make yourself receptive to hearing them? Find out on today’s episode of Changing.

Put yourself in a position to hear personal revelations:

Repent - Are your past sins blocking your communication with God? Address them and ask the Lord to forgive you.  Understand the voice - Do you know that small voice speaking to you? Study scripture and other resources to draw yourself closer to Christ.  Pray -  If you’re unsure if God is speaking to you, ask him! Praying is a great way to ask God for help while also serving those in need. Fast - Go without food or water for a period of time. Suppressing the needs of the flesh to show dedication to the spiritual puts you in a headspace conducive to reflection. Know God - Read, learn, and, most importantly, emulate the LoThen, as. As we become more like him, we’ll see and feel God guiding us on his path.

Donald’s Personal Revelation Story:

At one point, Donald went on a two-year mission trip. To prepare for his journey, he spent time each day studying scripture and praying to be closer to God. The night before he discovered where his mission trip would take him, Donald had a vivid dream of the great lakes.  When the mission call came the next day, he ran to open it. And what did the letter say? He was going to Detroit, Michigan. (Right next to the great lakes.) 

The moral of this story? The Lord will reveal personal revelations to you if you are open to listening. Audio credits to soundstripe.