As former CEO of the Grattan Institute, John Daley is one of Australia’s leading public policy thinkers. John graduated from the University of Oxford in 1999 with a DPhil in public law after completing an LLB (Hons) and a BSc from the University of Melbourne in 1990. He has 20 years’ experience spanning policy, academic, government and corporate roles.


“It teaches you successful compromise, in which everyone gets most of what they want. The whole is indeed greater than the sum of the parts. But everyone probably hasn’t got everything they wanted.” 

“It’s certainly training for leadership and certainly for policy and politics.”

“Obviously it’s something I listen to all the time, it’s not just everyday but it’s most of the time. When you’ve spent that much of your life playing and listening to music it’s never not there.”


Find John on LinkedINGrattan Insitute


Production Penny Manwaring

Audio Engineering from Frazer Ruddick

Theme Music Composed by Danna Yun

Theme Music Composed by Natasha Pearson

Theme Music Performed by Alison McIntosh-Deszcz (soprano), Natasha Lin (piano), and Susan Eldridge (horn). 

Theme Music Recorded Lady Marigold Southey Performance Studio, 3MBS Fine Music in Melbourne in October 2016. With thanks to recording engineer Cheryl Scott.


22 November 2016