Barry Marcus Redux- A Creative Culture Celebratory Remembrance

This is a hard introduction to make. A good friend, a special soul has passed over. I am grieving over the loss of my dear brother Barry Marcus. I know, who in the hell wants to listen to a sad guy in mourning but bear with me for a moment here. I’m going to say my little piece, and then let you decide for yourself what to make of Barry as we replay his Change the Story episode as celebratory remembrance.

So, my little piece: I think of Barry as an undeserved gift. Not just to me but to all of us in the world who aspire to a life full of heart and empathy, and good work. Barry was a bubbly, quirky, brilliant, loving creative presence who came to the party with no hesitation ready to share his songs, and stories, and amazing layered images, and laugh, and cry, and then laugh again.

All I can say is what a privilege it has been to have had a friend like Barry ever in my life. Those of you who are listening, who did not know Barry, are probably thinking, hey the guy lost a good friend, he’s going to hyperbolize a bit. But you folks who knew the man, know that I’m saying doesn’t come close to how cool the guy truly was.

I think we are all attracted to people who we think are doing life better than we are. And the thing that pulls us in is the thing that we most wish we could master, the sublime, just out of reach touch that we most aspire to. This was certainly the case with my friend Barry. He was, of course as cracked, and flawed and inattentive as the rest of us, but what stood out with him in his relationship with life was his complete and total awe and love of the world he and the rest of us inhabited while he was with us.

In this realm he was not in any way a master tactician, or a strategic genius, he was, rather, an all-in, heart and soul participant in whatever opportunity, obstacle, question, or mystery that came his way. He was an over-the-top enthusiast and cheerleader for what was possible, for what was interesting or provocative, and most of all, what manifested love in the universe. By love in the universe, I’m not talking about the “woo “thing. I’m talking about the thing that he was best at without even thinking. Which was wanting us, all of us to be us, with as much intensity, and honesty, and respect, and compassion as possible, so much so, that whoever was on the receiving end out there, could not help but return the favor.

We published Barry’s Episode, called Creative Culture, in May of 2020. In it he shared the story an amazing, and successful arts-infused treatment program he created at a residential facility for severely mentally ill adolescent boys in California. As you listen, I’m sure you will catch a glimpse of sparky, vital spirit and all who knew and loved him will sorely miss.

Barry's Photographs:

Our Co-authored Book: STORYstory

The STORYstory Movie

Added Music: Feelings of Twilight, by Shady Dave