Do you have a story in your life preventing you from progressing?  Have you ever asked yourself if it was actually true?  We rarely author the stories that are governing our lives, but most of us never take the time to question them.  They are accepted as a seemingly unbreakable truth.  If you take the time to really investigate these stories that say you can’t get that promotion, you’ll never find a new job, you’ll never be able to lose the weight, and so on, you’ll soon find that they’re all completely bogus.  Listen to find out how I’m dealing with stories of my own and what I’m doing to re-write them.     Questions or comments? email me at [email protected] or visit

Do you have a story in your life preventing you from progressing?  Have you ever asked yourself if it was actually true?  We rarely author the stories that are governing our lives, but most of us never take the time to question them.  They are accepted as a seemingly unbreakable truth.  If you take the time to really investigate these stories that say you can’t get that promotion, you’ll never find a new job, you’ll never be able to lose the weight, and so on, you’ll soon find that they’re all completely bogus.  Listen to find out how I’m dealing with stories of my own and what I’m doing to re-write them.     Questions or comments? email me at [email protected] or visit