In this episode of Change It Up Radio, we’re talking about tackling bullying, overcoming Comparanoia, and celebrating ourselves for who we are.



20 to 30% of children and youth are bullied at school every year, and for certain vulnerable groups, the risk is even higher. As a parent today, it's practically impossible to completely shield your child from bullying because it can also be taking place online, where everyone remains connected outside of school.



We cannot prevent bullying, but we can prevent our children from feeling entirely vulnerable to bullies. As parents, we can celebrate our children for who they are and teach them to be proud to learn, grow, and challenge themselves.



When a child feels safe to celebrate themselves for who they are, they are not inclined to believe the negative things that others may have to say about them. The bottom line is, we can ALL find great value in celebrating ourselves more often!



Today’s guest, Davide Di Giorgio, is the #1 international best-selling author of Being UNapologetic, a keynote speaker, TEDx speaker, Comparanoia™ expert, and a speaking and confidence consultant. He joins me today to discuss the cycle of Comparanoia and how to break free from it and step into our full potential. Davide shares the impact we can have on ourselves and others by comparing less and celebrating more.



We Discuss:



- The Cycle of Comparanoia and how to overcome it and shift into a success mindset

- How to become UNmessable, UNapologetic, and embrace the act of celebrating you

- The antidote to Comparanoia that helps build confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem

- Redefining celebration in our lives and giving ourselves more options to celebrate often

- How circumstances may victimize us but we always are at choice with how we respond



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