“It was the most horrendous thing that's ever happened, it was really challenging, and unfortunately made me distrustful of people, which is just not my normal stance”

Not many people can say they have built something out of nothing and have stayed true to their vision and purpose. 

Simon Crowe, the Founder and Managing Director of Grill’d, is on a mission to liberate burgers from badness and pioneer sustainable food practices.

For someone so accomplished, Simon emanates a rare vulnerability. He talks candidly about the many challenges he has faced:

>his public court battle with a former co-owner and business partner

>taking on the Goliath that is McDonald's

>his superpowers that have helped him succeed  

>and why he’s a better businessman than a friend.


Host: Jenelle McMaster Deputy CEO Oceania and Markets Leader at EY.

Guest: Simon Crowe  Founder and Managing Director of Grill’d

Listen now: Apple Podcasts or Spotify or wherever you get your favourite podcasts.