“I don’t think there has ever been in recent history a greater need for change and when you look at the big challenges facing companies…….. and therefore the pressure that leaders are under… if we can demystify how do we bring about transformation….. we can really serve the world.”

In this episode of Change Happens, host Jenelle McMaster is joined by Dr Andrew White, Senior Fellow in Management Practice at the Säid Business School at Oxford University, leadership coach and host of the 2050 Leadership podcast. You will hear his passion for exploring what it takes to become a successful leader, and his insights into what it takes to lead successful transformation.

Find out more about the transformation leadership research by visiting: https://www.ey.com/en_au/consulting/how-transformations-with-humans-at-the-center-can-double-your-success

Host: Jenelle McMaster is Deputy CEO Oceania and Markets Leader at EY.

Guest: Dr Andrew White Senior Fellow in Management Practice at the Säid Business School at Oxford University

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